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Connective tissue in the vaginal walls is an important factor in pelvic organ support. Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction may arise from laxity in the vagina or its supporting ligaments, due to increasing age and vaginal childbirth. Fotona Intimalase® procedures are non-invasive, non-ablative laser procedures that use a patented laser technology to send mild heat pulses to the vaginal walls, resulting in functional strengthening of connective tissue inside the vaginal wall, an overall increase in vaginal wall thickness and functional improvement in the mucosal tissue.

$525+ tax per session

Package of 3 sessions $1500 + tax

Animated Video of Intimalase

Call and schedule a FREE consultation today!



5-625 Fortune Cres

Kingston, ON K7P 2T3


Tel: 613-549-7546

Fax: 613-547-4182

@2020 Kingston Kegel Clinic

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